Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Case: The Law Offices of Jeter, Jackson, Guidry and Boyer Essay

The issues that are presented in this case study are not uncommon problems that happen in the working environment. It was clear from the case that the partners in the law firm worked from a style of collaboration and meeting to understand the needs of their employees. However, their growth left them needing someone to take over the day to day, yet important operations of the organization like human resources, and marketing. The partners decided to create a General Operations Manager. The partners hired someone who had a background as a longtime administrator from the insurance industry seeking a final career change. This person’s leadership style was autocratic which means â€Å"the leader makes decisions on his or her own and then announces those decisions to the group† (Bateman and Snell). Hiring a person with this type of leadership style placed the firm in jeopardy of losing excellent employees and clients. As the case stated the law firm did lose clients. When the partners learned about the problems, the new General Operations Manager told them it was normal activity for what was taking place, and that they should just wait it out. This suggestion of sit back and wait given by the GM Brad Howser put a persona out to the partners that more clients would come and the employee morale would not remain low. The partners should not sit back and wait as Brad Howser has instructed them to do. Sitting back and waiting could destroy the company quicker then it took to build it up. This could cause more clients to leave the company and employees to leave the company. The partners needed to step in and develop a plan of how to address the issues that have developed since Brad Howser has taken the GM position. First, they needed to meet with Brad Howser and express their concern about losing clients and the sinking morale among their employees. This will require explaining to Brad Howser that their desired organizational culture, one that is caring, compassionate and respectful to everyone they serve. Another issue to bring up is that the autocratic leadership style Brad presents is not matching their mission and values of the company. They will need to give Brad a chance to change or leave, just as he presented the same information to the employees if they didn’t want to change. If he chooses to stay, he will need to overturn the rules he implemented. The partners must provide Brad with their vision for the company and the initial goal of hiring of a GM for Operations, which is to help manage the different offices and to continue to grow each year. They should also reinstate flex hours for employees and at the same time reinforce their importance to the firm. Having happy employees are far more productive then having unhappy employees. Brad will have to be educated on the different tasks of the jobs to know that they are not required to be done during specific hours. Finally, to finish cleaning up the disaster created, each client will need to be contacted that received one of Brad’s letters to pay up. This will cause the partners to apologize to and ensure to their customers that this will never hap pen again. They will also have to convince their clients into coming back to their company. The leadership style needed for a General Manager-Operations position is a style that can handle participation and collaboration. A style that incorporates these characteristics is called a transformational leader. â€Å"Transformational leaders get people to transcend their personal interests for sake of the larger community† (Bateman and Snell). The transformational leader will bring excitement to a company because they have the following qualities charisma, individualized attention, the ability to delegate challenging work to deserving people, keep lines of communication open and provide one-on-one mentoring to develop people. They will also bring the following skills to a vision of where they want to take the problem presented; the ablity to communicate their vision to the all the parties involved, build trust with employees and executives and hold a positive self-regard. A person in this job that is able to be dig into the weeds and find out way to lean out the company pr ocesses. They are also able to communicate about the changes being made and why they need to be made. Also the leader must be able to meet their employees where they are and figure out how to grow them as the company grows. A leader is not a stranger to hard work and putting their needs on the back burner. The leadership style I would pick for myself would be a mix of Transformational and Transactional and this person can â€Å"achieve set goals by acting within established procedures and standards. This leader assigns specific, well-defined tasks to subordinates and requires that they fulfill their responsibilities and meet standards precisely as prescribed or agreed upon† (Inc). Transactional leadership styles are good at improving processes, setting up rules and regulations and leaning out the resources used by the company. A person with this leadership style will be good at managing smaller operations and developing areas. In transformational I like to have a vision and mission for what I am currently trying to work towards. In my work place I want everyone around me to know what the vision is that we are working towards. I can be a mix of both of these depending on the situation I would be placed in. I would seek jobs in management in the technology field, military and logistics areas. Jobs that I would avoid are ones that put me in power over large groups of people like president of the country, CEO of a company and a person who is willing to make sacrifices in pursuit of the dreams they articulate in speeches. Being a public figure is not a good job for someone with these leadership styles. I believe all leadership styles can be used in various situations but you have to find a style or styles that best fit your life balance. Works Cited Bateman, Thomas S and Scott A Snell. Management Leading & Collaborating in a Competive World. New York: The McGraw-Hill Irwin , 2013. Inc, Human Metrics. Leadership Styles . 20 January 2013 .

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Function of Education Essay

1. The definition of Education Education is defined as the process of educating and learning, which involves the teacher and the student. The teacher will convey the message to the student, and the student will try to understand and applying what is being taught. Educate is further defined as to develop knowledge, skill and the character of somebody. Educate is also to give someone information about a particular subject, or to show them a better way to do something. Knowledge is the information that we are going to instill and give out. We can see the importance of education in the terms of someone’s development. 2. Function of Education 2. 1. Education as Continuation Process The process of education begins in the cradle and continues throughout the life. When people live, they continually grow and develop. In going through all the developments, they have this ongoing education. They are being introduced by new skills and knowledge from time to time. The education can be formal, where it requires us to attend school or institutions for lectures. This is where we learn about particular subjects like Languages, Science and Mathematics. Informal education can be something that is being taught at home or from our own experience. As we grow up, the thing that we learn will become more complex and complicated. For instance, we are taught of basic skills of mathematics when we are in primary school, then we are in secondary school, another new complex formula is introduced to us. We are expected to grasp more when we are maturing. This process persists throughout their lifetime. As we go along, we learn and apply more and more knowledge. We also learn many new things when we encounter every stages of our life. For example, when are already an adult, we got married and have children. This can only be experienced when you are fully grown, not when you are a baby or a mere child. 2. 2. Education as Moral Development Tools Moral development means the expanding and improvement of someone’s manner, character and proper behaviour. This entails the development in someone’s physical, spirit, mentality and believes. Here education acts as a tool where it helps to inculcate the sense of morality in the society. Education is not just about imparting the information, but it is also intended to show someone of which is right and which is wrong. For example, we introduced to the people about the code of dressing ethics. This ethics demands them to follow the rule of clothing. Here in Malaysia, moral development is implemented through the subject like Islamic Education and Moral Education. Education helps in imbibing moral and ethical values in the individuals and their education, in turn, helps in the creation of a healthy society that bears a deep understanding of principles and the philosophy of life. Having a high morality is paramount in a society for it deters somebody from immoral and bad doings like cheating and being not responsible. 2. 3 Education as Integrated Indicative. Education indicates the integrity in education as it comprises all the elements of one’s development. It entails the improvement on the physical, emotional, spiritual, skills (psychomotor), mental (coordinative), and behaviour. Education helps an individual to thrive in society, to interact with other social animals and helps a person attain and maintain a certain degree of social well-being. The abilities of an individual as a part of society is an apparent result of social development, which can only make realize by the means of education. In school or college, we are taught holistically. The learning processes don’t only occur in class, but also outside there. Students are exposed with clubs and sports activities, which help in brushing up their leadership skills and suchlike. Learning is also be made practical, as theories only never enough. Our syllabi also show the sense of integration from the subjects taught in school. We learn languages such as Malay, English, Mandarin, Tamil and many more but at the same time, we include the logics learning, like Science and Mathematics. As for spiritual enhancement, subjects like Islamic Studies and Moral Studies are also included. We can see that the studies not only focus only one part. In fact, it is thorough and complete for the intelligence must go along with good morals and believes. An integrated education is one that encourages students to seek connections between different ways of knowing and being in the world, between different forms of knowledge, and between new knowledge and that which preceded it. In order to provide an integrated educational experience, we must offer a curriculum and other learning experiences whose content and pattern combine the acquisition and creation of knowledge with the quest for meaning and purpose. 2. 4. Education as Practices Process Education occurs continuously and as it goes, we learn something repeatedly, many times in our life. It depends on one’s ability, to catch what is taught. Some may take their time in grasping the information, and some may get it quickly. Usually, people can’t easily understand something at first, but they keep learning and practicing, and in the end, they manage to understand that something. This process of repeating in learning is what we call as practice – you keep doing it until you are finally good at it. Take for instance the case of reading. We started off with the basic, knowing all the 24 alphabets in ABC. Then, after we get all that, we move on to two-syllable words and suchlike. We don’t get to read so easily. There are processes to be gone through which need a lot of practices. Education provides practices in certain areas of studies like medicine and teaching. They have this practical part in which they need to apply those theories they have learnt. Taking education is also to bring about progress in practical fields to enable each educated individual of society to earn a living. Education of the various practical fields produces productive human resources, who can contribute to the creation of wealth for a country. While the people earn for their work, they are also creating something for their organization to make money on. 3. Conclusion In conclusion, education is very crucial in our life, especially in the sense of development. All these developments like social, economic and attitude in every individual are responsible for the cultivation of civilized society. Education is mainly intended for the want to generate high quality, educated, skilled, and capable citizens. Knowledge and information are imparted so that a person and the society can live a good life. Not only in the sense of physical, but also in terms of spiritual and good morals. Education is the key of success throughout one’s life. References Abdul Rahman Ariff, Zakarie Kasa, 2002. Falsafah dan Konsep Pendidikan Edisi Kedua. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn. Bhd. Annad, J. B. 1977. Education for Self-Discovery. Britain: Houder and Stoughton. Hirsch, E. D. Jr, 1987. Cultural Literacy. England, UK: Houghton Miffin Mok Soon Sang, 2003. An Education Coursefor K. P. L. I Theme 1, 1st Edition, Subang Jaya: Kumpulan Budiman Sdn. Bhd. Muhammad Shamsul Huq, 1976. Education, Manpower and Development in South and South East Asia. India: Praeger Publisher. Sufean Hussin, 1996. Pendidikan di Malaysia: Sejarah, Sistem dan Falsafah. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Dr. Tajul Ariffin Noordin. â€Å"Pengamalan Prinsip Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan menyekat Pemikiran Liberal†. Pendidik Isu 67. Disember 2009:60-62 Prof. Dr. Sidek Baba. â€Å"Pemahaman dalam Menerima Ilmu Lahir Insan Ihsan†. Pendidik Isu 67. Disember 2009:58-59 Integrated Education, http://www. scu. edu/strategicplan/2001/integrated. cfm Practical Education, http://chestofbooks. com/crafts/scientific-american/sup5/Practical-Education. html Purpose of edu, http://www. teachersmind. com/pdfdirectory/Education. PDF http://quadium. net/school/purpose_education. html http://www. buzzle. com/articles/beliefs-about-the-purpose-of-education. html Morality, http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Moral_development#Psychological_perspectives Moral development, http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Moral_development.

Monday, July 29, 2019

How Do I See Myself Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How Do I See Myself - Essay Example This author stresses that after following certain universal rules which are set in stone since ages. Alexander the great, M .K Gandhi and Bill Gates have all reaped heaps of benefits but at certain costs. To be dominant one has to blend with the colors of this world. He outlines that "similarly, I have certain habits and traits which have been molded by the environment around me. The culture and traditions of the world in which I live have and are influencing me a lot. Each moment teaches a new lesson and each experience solves yet another paradox of life. Why is life so hard and tough? Many people wonder on this question. The answer in my opinion is simple as mentioned in the introduction. Whenever I go in public or portray myself to others, I indicate certain qualities and symbols which in my opinion will lubricate success. I belong to the oriental culture where strict belief is placed in family ties and values unlike the western one where individualism is dominant. Therefore, the external factors greatly affect my behavior. My parents are not that educated but they try their best to get their children educated. Inspired by the modern world race of education and success, they strive to equip their children with the best means of survival. I have done my O-levels belonging to a local education background, I did well. Following which I went to the second best local institution to pursue A-levels. After the completion of my A-levels, I landed in one of the leading local business education institutions due to lack of finance for studying abroad. I have five siblings which along my parents make 8 of us dwelling in a two room house. Such proximity makes us rectify each others behavior. However, facing bitter experiences and challenges in the past I have two aspects which I use to portray myself to this world depending upon the target audience and their mindset."

Sunday, July 28, 2019

ACCOUNTING CASE STUDY- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ACCOUNTING - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - Case Study Example Since CCL is an existing client for GE Capital, it should approve the loan at a lower interest rate of 4% and, on the other hand, extend the loan payment period to ten years. By doing this, it will achieve their strategy of keeping existing customers. The CCL financial statements indicate that it generates sufficient cash flow of a net earnings of $97.120 that is able to finance the interest payment of the new loan on a monthly basis. On the other hand, the CCL debt to equity ratio will not exceed 4: 1 when the new loan is included as required by CEF (Dirubbo). Loan disapproval to CCL: Disapproving loan to CCL will not favor the company’s strategy of keeping existing customers. In case the company loses CCL, It will have to find a new client to replace, and this requires the company to incur some costs hence not economical in the end. Hence, the cost of replacing existing clients could enable the company to find and win new businesses. The cost of losing existing clients as compared to finding new ones outweighs in the end. Therefore, to minimize the impact of losing CCL as well as the extra costs of finding new businesses, the company should approve the loan (Plumlee et al.). Short-term plan: The loan approval for $ 306, 000 to CCL to finance the trucking contract between Ford and the supplier is recommendable. The company should reduce the rate of interest from five percent to four percent and extend the period of payment to ten years. This will reduce the monthly payments facilitating provision of monthly reports of financial activities of CCL for the first year of loan repayments. The implementation of the loan approval on an immediate time is required since CCL meets the company’s requirements. This will motivate CCL to continue being clients and even attracting new businesses as well. Medium Term Plan: After the first year, the payments are separated to quarterly submission until the first loan of $ 36,000 is financed within the period of 8 years

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Charles Darwin theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Charles Darwin theory - Essay Example I don’t think there is any evidence to support this idea. The truth is that the theory of evolution dictates which species continue to exist and which fail. It moulds and shapes the functions and appearance of each species. However, it does not guide them towards any one particular end. Evolution says that nature changes in a random way and that nothing is being progressed towards. Each step of evolution happens because of various circumstances none of which are planned. However, there is the problem of love. Some think that evolution cannot explain why people love each other. However, love is an important function of evolution. Â   In this, the 201st anniversary of the birth of the great British biologist and scientist, Charles Darwin, it is fascinating to look at how his powerful theory of evolution is still a subject of debate and how exactly it operates in nature. More particularly, it is fascinating to see how love fits into his scheme. Love is what bring together people to raise children. People fall in love for many reasons, but the main one—attraction--is a direct product of evolution. What do people find attractive? Strength, symmetry, health. These are all things that indicate good genes. People want to reproduce with people who have these attractive qualities because they want to pass on good genes to their offspring. They fall in love and stay together in order to raise their children. The reason the pattern of families have existed for so long is that the system works. We have nuclear families because they are the most effective way, according to evolution, to raise children to become h ealthy and successful adults. There is no system in competition. And this is the product of love. The truth is that heredity and genetic variations are only spokes in the wheel of natural selection (Margulis 65). Heredity is what is passed down from one generation to the next

Marketing Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Marketing Plan - Assignment Example This will enable the business to lure more customers and compete favorably with other players in the industry. Further, they will have to extract useful information that will assist them in identifying new markets and targets. The business has to adopt new means of advertisement such using the use of the media in order to reach to more customers. Among the current social networks and media firms, facebook has proven to be the most efficient and reliable in giving information to millions of users within a very short time. As part of product development, Dog-Gone stylin’ has embarked on selling pet therapy products to customers. For instance, they sell Spa products like bandanas and shampoo that clients use to groom their pets. In the product development, the marketing team will have to diversify the products to various clients. The marketing mix is achieved in the sense that the company offers one-on-one services to enable clients relax. Further, they can go an extent of taking the services to a client’s home to avoid transportation of pets. Branding and packaging of the product is very essential, but in this case, it is challenging to develop a strong that might clients due to lack of products that they compare with. In such a business, branding requires patience and time. As part of packaging strategy, it is significant to develop a handout that includes all the pet grooming services and their prices, photos of dogs prior to and after grooming in order enable customers to view the outcome of the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Industrial Grinders' Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Industrial Grinders' - Case Study Example Problem Statement & Analysis of Key Issues/Root Causes Industrial Grinders’ initial problem is the introduction of plastic ring, a surrogate for the steel rings effective in certain machines by the French firm Henri Poulenc. The merchandise is used for the same purpose the steel ring does, which Industrial Grinders manufactures. In analyzing the key issues and root causes, the plastic ring was new to the market and sold at a lower price than the steel ring. The plastic ring is 4 times the wearing characteristics of the steel ring that fully devastate the demand for the steel ring. Lawrence Bridgeman, the overall manager of the German plant had done a research and found out that the problem stemmed from I.G.’s large capacity of steel rings in hand, and the considerable inventory of exceptional steel for their manufacture. In analyzing the key issues and root causes after a thorough survey by Bridgeman, the problem was that the special steel could not be sold even for scr ap and the total book value of these inventories exceeded $93,000 (Industrial Grinders & Machining, 2012). In analyzing the key issues and root causes, Industrial Grinders Company faced a competitive nature in the line of the product it was manufacturing. Competition had become fairly strong with the idea of Japan’s industries producing low-priced spare parts that successfully entered into the global business (Industrial Grinders & Machining, 2012). Many companies had also established themselves and were producing low-quality and low-priced machines that attracted many clients across the globe. Industrial Grinders lost many clients who decided to try the cheap merchandise that had low price. Tests conducted by Ericsson and Greiner showed a critical problem faced by Industrial Grinders. In analyzing the key issues and root causes, the problem was the plastic ring produced by the French plant that had 4 times the wearing properties of the steel ring. The challenge faced by Indu strial Grinders is that it would fully devastate the demand for the steel ring in the international market, hence reducing the profits achieved annually. The production and selling rate of the steel ring will go down drastically because the plastic rings and the industry will find it difficult to operate in its full capacity and 15100 finished rings would be left on hand by the mid year. Action Plan & Alternative Courses of Action Plans and Their Associated Consequences I critically think Industrial Grinders’ alternative courses of action and their associated consequences should initiate from the management and employees efforts. They should be ready to find quick and workable solutions to their problems to become effective in their line of business (Industrial Grinders & Machining, 2012). Firstly, I.G’s initial action plan is advertising their steel rings effectively to the consumer by stating the significance and advantages of it. It should use the media and any othe r accessible means to reach out to clients and promote their merchandise effectively. Industrial Grinders’ management should not hesitate to release funds for the advertisement purpose and the department concerned should initiate the action plan. The associated consequence for this plan is that Industrial Grinders Company will be known and recognized by potential clients. These

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Peer response Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

Peer response - Article Example re that manager or leaders of nursing homes have comprehensively evaluated techniques and strategies that would ensure continued existence of these nursing homes. Factors that are within management’s control are costs, which they deemed, should be kept at a minimum, to generate profits, as needed. Another comment is that team learning and shared mental models are internal factors that management could tap to increase job satisfaction and productivity (Bossche, Gijselaers, Segers, Woltjer, & Kirschner, 2011). But these alone, could not ensure increased profits, if and when not enough revenues are generated by nursing homes. I share the same contention, however, that ‘in times of economic scarcity, cutting back on teamwork is a mistake, as teamwork is needed then more than ever’. Actually, in diverse settings, regardless of economic condition, organizations should harness the power of teamwork as a means of improving performance and productivity. Teamwork should go beyond teams in respective departments of the organizations; but more so, the collaborative departments that comprise the entire organization. As such, shared decision models would be useful in soliciting responsible inputs from different departments to facilitate achievement of the organization’s

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Jazz History George Gershwin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Jazz History George Gershwin - Essay Example He started his musical training at the age of 13, and was so enthusiastic about it that he dropped out of the school at the age of 15 to work at Tin Pan Alley, a music publishing firm owned by Jerome H. Remick. "Since I found you" and "Raggin' the Traumeri" were the first two songs that George tried to publish but wasn't so lucky. Later on, he was able to get his song "When you want 'em you can't get 'em when you've got 'em you can't get 'em" published but wasn't able to make much impression on the public. First real fame came to him when Al Jolson popularized his song "Swanee" in 1919. Another notable success for him was in 1920, when he was hired to write music for "Scandals". Eventually, George and his elder brother Ira, together, were one of the dominant songwriters of the Broadway. His works such as, Oh, Kay! (1926), Funny Face (1927), Strike Up the Band (1927 & 30), Girl Crazy (1930) and Of Thee I Sing (1931) are one of the few that are worth mentioning. But his most outstanding work was "Rhapsody in Blue" for Paul Whitman Orchestra which opened a new era in the music by bringing Jazz into mainstream music and established it as a credible music genre. Later on he composed "Concerto in F" for New York Symphony Society, which is also considered one of his wonderful works amongst others such as "An American in Paris" and "Second Rhapsody". One of the interesting works he did was folk opera by the name of "Peggy and Bess" along with co-writers, Ira Greshwin, DuBose and Dorothy Heyward, which made its way to Broadway on 10th October, 1935. Disaster struck in July, 1937. George was admitted to Cedars of Lebanon Hospital where he was diagnosed with a brain tumor and was operated. He could not survive and was pronounced dead on 11th July, 1937. His last song "Love is here to stay", is here to stay in the hearts of every one who knew him. In conclusion, Gershwin has always been inspired with the classical European music and he elegantly combined it with something that originated in the gatherings of the African-American communities and managed to bring it into opera houses and Broadway while at the same time inspiring many others. Few of them such as Frank Sinatra, Nina Simone, Bing Crosby and Sting have recorded many of his songs. Many musicians like Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis and many more have admired his work by depicting it in their work. In an article by John Rockwell in New York Times, 1987, praises Gershwin by citing Paul Simon's example as how this folk-rock artist carries forward the legacy of the great legend in his work "Graceland". Furthermore, in the same article he says, "If Gershwin didn't push the boundaries of classical music forward in his concert pieces(sic), he at least aspired to transcend the song forms and the limited harmonic language he started with. And that is something that today's ambitious pop art-song composers like Mr. Simon, David Byrne, Stevie Wonder and even Bruce Springsteen could profitably learn from him." In 2007, Library of Congress created Greshwin Prize in the memory of Gershwin brothers, for the artists with lifetime contribution to popular music. So far Paul McCartney (2009), Stevie Wonder (2008) and Paul Simon (2007) have been the three recipients. Works Cited "George Gershwin." The Official Website of George and Ira Gershwin. 2007. Web. 23 Nov, 2010.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Violated human dignity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Violated human dignity - Research Paper Example Technology† (Headrick, Daniel) However, the movie Idiocracy shows us a fiction of future in opposite direction that is going to decrease the quality of human life, less concerns toward intelligent and beautiful terms, and increase the number of social problems such as abandoning trash, poor security system, and hiring improper employees in extremely important field such as medical field and political field. As the movie Idiocracy sarcastically reveals the problems, we cannot deny that the problems listed above exist today. The problems can be summarized in four issues such as changes in human life style, cultural decline, corruption of morality, and materialism. The serious story begins with changes in human life style. â€Å"Lifestyle theory is composed of three interlocking models: the structural model, the functional model, and the change model.† (Walters, Glenn, P.1) A long time ago, human struggling in poor status with starvation, disease, and war has been seek for something intelligent and progressive to enhance the quality of their life. Nonetheless, people started to be interested in the opposite way, looking for satisfaction based on basic instinct when their life became wealthy and convenient. We can see the sarcastic warning from the director of Idiocracy that people could forget to develop intelligence progressive ideas; moreover, those areas would stop growing and would be even decline. To tell the truth, poetry, literature, and art were popular and developed a lot back in the day, and they really enjoyed and longed for them. Nevertheless, this generation is tamed for entertaining program, show, and unhealthy program fro m the dumping mass media. For the reason, people just want amusement and time-killing more than beautiful and intelligent delight. The changes in the future humans in Idiocracy life style caused a cultural decline. The major interests of most people would be focused on money, sex, and silly

Monday, July 22, 2019

Literature Review Essay Example for Free

Literature Review Essay Abstract The primary role of literature review in a quantitative research study to gain information on the subject of your research question and identify unbiased and valid studies connected with your research question. For instance, my quantitative research question is â€Å"all other factors being equal, do high school students reading popular fiction achieve better Language Arts test scores than high school students reading curriculum-required fiction? † My hypothesis is that high school students reading popular fiction will outperform the students who read curriculum-required fiction, because if you enjoy reading you will perform better. Then I need to do a literature review to discover if my question has already been answered and I may need to modify it or if there are related studies to my research question that can provide quantifiable research. Introduction Quantitative Research involves collecting numerical data though content analysis, performance tests, personality measures, questionnaires, etc. This type of research procedures include an objective/unbiased approach to collecting numerical data from a large number of participants and analyzes these numbers using statistics in order to answer a specific, narrow research question. As part of research, a literature review is required. A quantitative literature review is an extensive review of literature that may or may not influence the study and your research question (UOA 2013). The primary role of literature review in a quantitative research study to gain information on the subject of your research question and identify unbiased and valid studies connected with your research question. For instance, my quantitative research question is â€Å"all other factors being equal, do high school students reading popular fiction achieve better Language Arts test scores than high school students reading curriculum-required fiction? † My hypothesis is that high school students reading popular fiction will outperform the students who read curriculum-required fiction, because if you enjoy reading you will perform better. Then I need to do a literature review to discover if my question has already been answered and I may need to modify it or if there are related studies to my research question that can provide quantifiable research. Why This Research Question This research question â€Å"all other factors being equal, do high school students reading popular fiction achieve better Language Arts test scores than high school students reading curriculum-required fiction? † needs to be answered. There is a controversy over what types of literature is acceptable for students to have access. One of my favorite book series (Harry Potter) is a banned book in certain states. This research question would add to research already completed. Methodology in the Research Question This research question â€Å"all other factors being equal, do high school students reading popular fiction achieve better Language Arts test scores than high school students reading curriculum-required fiction? † is an experimental research question and a casual research question. An experimental research question tests the cause and effect and a causal research question that test for a cause and effect relationship between variables. The variables in this research question are the independent variable (IV), age, ethnicity, and gender, the dependent variable (DV), assigned popular fiction and curriculum-required fiction, and the covariant (CoV) socio-economic status. Additionally, this question has ratio data. Ratio data is continuous. Ratio data rank order, but also quantify and compare the sizes of differences between them. Ratio data has an absolute zero and allows for how many times greater. The research question can discover how many times greater or less are the test scores of high school students who read popular fiction than those who read curriculum-required fiction. Supporting Research My hypothesis of the research question is that high school students reading popular fiction will outperform the students who read curriculum-required fiction, because if you enjoy reading you will perform better. The other similar research found during the literature review relates to my research. Although, my specific research question has not been fully researched. Other research relates to my question. According to the article, Impact of Students Reading Preferences on Reading Achievement, middle school students in Canada found â€Å"The most significant indicators were reading novels or fictional texts, informative reading or non-fiction, and reading books or other texts from the school library. In-class reading and participation in discussions pertaining to school-related reading were also shown to enhance reading achievement. These results are somewhat surprising in that research documenting this subject mainly emphasizes the use of pedagogical material corresponding to the interests/needs of students to foster achievement in reading† (Bouchamma, et al. 2013). This research shows that reading achievement can come from both required and optional reading. Moreover, according to the article, Reading Attitude and its Effect on Leisure Time Reading, â€Å"gender, educational level, age, and amount of spare time have a positive effect on reading behavior† (Stokmans 1999). Additionally, there is â€Å"a positive relationship between time spent reading fiction and educational level† (Stokmans 1999). This research shows that reading fiction relates positively to reading level. Additionally, according to the article, Popular Publications May Help Students Reading Scores, â€Å"We are concerned about the struggle to increase scores that children are posting on state-required exams not because of the scores themselves, but because they are strong indications that state students may not be gaining the thorough and analytical skills they need to become successful readers† (Michigan Chronicle 1997). This newspaper article shows that popular publications may help students on their reading score. Conclusion This research question â€Å"all other factors being equal, do high school students reading popular fiction achieve better Language Arts test scores than high school students reading curriculum-required fiction? † needs to be answered. This research question addresses the controversy over what types of literature is acceptable for students to have access to. Moreover, this research question would add to research already completed. It would allow  administrators and other educators to decide if certain books can be helpful in high school students learning environments. Bibliography Bouchamma, Y. , Poulin, V. , Basque, M. , Ruel, C. (2013). Impact of students reading preferences on reading achievement. Creative Education, 4(8), 484-491. Retrieved February 6th, 2014 from: http://search. proquest. com/docview/1441488139? accountid=28844 Mia J. W. Stokmans, Reading attitude and its effect on leisure time reading, Poetics, Volume 26, Issue 4, May 1999, Pages 245-261, ISSN 0304-422X, Retrieved February 6th, 2014 from: http://dx. doi. org/10. 1016/S0304-422X(99)00005-4 http://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S0304422X99000054 Popular publications may help students reading scores. (1997, Oct 01). Michigan Chronicle. Retrieved February 6th, from: http://search. proquest. com/docview/390200035? accountid=28844 University of Arkansas Libraries (2013, Oct. 30) Literature Reviews. LibGuides. Retrieved February 6th, 2014 from: http://uark. libguides. com/content. php? pid=110370sid=1384703

Output Device Essay Example for Free

Output Device Essay What are OUTPUT DEVICES? Output devices are hardware devices that display or present information to the user or other people. The monitor, printer and the speaker are one of the examples. PRINTER It is a computer device that produces a permanent copy on paper of information from the computer. There are several kinds of printers: ink jet, dot-matrix and laser jet printers. DOT MATRIX PRINTER Prints by hammering or striking an ink-soaked cloth ribbon against a paper. The advantage of this kind of printer is that it can easily create carbon copies because of the impact action of the printing process. The cost per page of printing is relatively cheap. INK JET PRINTER The ink comes form a cartridge of liquid ink and this printer is simply black and white or in full color. LASER JET PRINTER It produces high quality prints or graphics on paper. Color and black and white printing is available. It is based on the principle of electrostatic printing and photography wherein the source of ink is a toner. PLOTTER It comes in 2 types: pen plotter and electrostatic. Pen plotter is a vector graphics printing device which operates by moving a pen over the surface of paper. It is usually used for large printing requirements of CAD drawings of houses, buildings, cars, airplanes and others. It is also used for vinyl and plastic used for billions and posters. THERMAL PRINTERS Produce prints on thermal paper by selective heating wherein heated areas turn black creating an image. It is mostly used in groceries and department stores. They print faster and quieter than dot matrix. HEADPHONE It is a small speaker with a way to hold them close to the ears of the user. The headphone allows the user to listen music and sounds all alone. DATA PROJECTOR It displays computer information on big screen so that many will able to see the show.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effect of Color and Word Length on Memory Performance

Effect of Color and Word Length on Memory Performance Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of color and word length on memory performance. Seventy nine undergraduate  college students from Disted college, aged from 19 to 23 of both male and female genders were recruited for the study. The study  was a 32 mixed method design, There are two independent variables in this experiment which are word length and colors of words,  while the dependent variable is memory performance. Results showed that there was no significant change in colored words on  memory performance, while differences in word length showed a significant increase in memory performance. The results supported  our secondary hypothesis which claimed that participants were more able to remember shorter words than longer words. On the  contrary, our primary hypothesis was not supported. In conclusion, word length may have a positive impact on memory performance. Introduction It is common knowledge that we humans are more attracted to colorful objects like pictures or colored films than black and  white colors. It is also well known that young children, especially babies and toddlers are particularly attracted to shinny and striking  colors. Such instances may have piqued the curiosity of scholars in the old days to answer the question why people are more  attracted to colorful stimulus, sadly for the scholars the capacity to study this topic is not readily available until recent times. Since  ancient antiquity, colors on clothes not only made people look more distinct from one another, certain colors also inspire awe and  shows status and power. For example, in the east Chinese emperors have always wore gold color to signify their status as son of  heaven, while in the west Roman emperors and the aristocrats wear purple so show their status in society. In today’s society, an individual in the academic field is expected to be able to do many tasks, one of the most important skills in  our society is to be able to remember important things. For example, in college we constantly need to remember important terms  andwords, these information that we have learned is to be tested in quizzes and exams. College students that do not have good  attention focus and memory are looked down upon by their lecturers and peers because they mostly under perform in their academic  performance. Fortunately for this type of college students, as time progress more efficient methods of studying and memorizing is  being discovered or proposed. One of these methods is mind mapping, the method of mind mapping basically uses the right side  (color and creativity) together with the left side (words and logic) of the brain to increase memory performance (Astrid, n.d). As such, it can be seen that both color and words could be essential component in memory performance. Working together,  both aspects could be used to aid or test the performance of a students memory capability. Similar to mind maps, word length and  different kind of colors could affect the overall memory performance. Theoretical Framework The human mind has a very complicated way of processing and memorizing information. Among the many theories that  attempted to explain how memory works, Baddeleys working memory model seemed to provide one of the best explanations. This  model was created by Baddely and Hitch to improve upon the rather obsolete multi-store model, they argued that the multi-store  model was too simplified. Their working memory model seeks to explain that short term memory has components/subsystems that  actively manipulates information that it receives (Miyake Shah, 1999). The model has four important components which were the  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Central Executive†, â€Å"Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad†, â€Å"phonological loop† and â€Å"Episodic Buffer†. They further elaborated that working  memory was made up of the central executive which controls the operation of two subsystems: the phonological loop and the visuo-spatial sketch pad. The final component, episodic buffer was m eant to be a back up store that connects working memory with long  term memory (McLeod, 2008). The working memory model relates to color and word length due to the visuo-spatial sketchpad and the phonological loop. The  visuo-spatial sketchpad stores visual information such as word shapes and colors for a short period of time (Logie, 2002). Our  working memory was very focused on color because colored objects of an items leaves a deeper impression on our memory  (Cercone Learning, n.d). While, some people tend to recall words better when they pronounce it while memorizing, their ability to  recall is affected by the word length, which is stored in the phonological loop (Logie, 2002). Past Literature As time goes by more and more past research was made to address the issue of colored words and word length on memory  performance. Although most research only investigated on colored words and memory performance or word length on memory  performance, their contribution were highly regarded. One such study was made by Mustafar Dzulkifli (2013), their study was  focused on investigating the effect of ground color on memory performance. In their study, they invited 90 undergraduate students ,  age ranges from 19 to 22 to participate in the experiment. They conducted their experiment by using between group design, there  was three groups of participant that were given different treatments. The first group was given red colored background slides, while  the second group was given background slides with no color. The third group was be given background slides that have a  combination of color and no-color background to be shown alternately. Their research results found that most shape with colored  background will be recalled better than shape with non-color background. Another research was made by Campoy (2008) which was made to investigate the effect of word length in short-term memory.   The research invited 50 undergraduate university students. The research was conducted by using two participants in each session in  two different sound-attenuated booths. In the booths the computers shows a stimulus (five-word series study list) presented in block  letters at the rate 300 ms per word. After a delay 3,000 ms, the second sequence (test list) was shown in lower case at the same  speed. Lastly, a question mark was revealed and the participants will press key â€Å"1† or â€Å"2† when they decided the word orders in both  series were different or same. Results revealed that a list of short four-phoneme words were better remembered than a lists of long  six-phoneme words. Among the many past research, there was one research that stands out the most. Research done by Le Castillo (2009) was  meant to investigate on the effects of color and word length on verbal working memory. In this research, 61 business professionals  were invited to participate. The research was conducted by first requesting participants to memorize short words (12 seconds) and  long words (30 seconds), then participants were requested to recall short words within 24 seconds and long words within 60  seconds. Participants was then asked to do demographic questionnaires and include them together with their answer papers. The  results showed that five-syllable words were the most hard to remember, with memory performance difference much more obvious  between Caucasians and none-Caucasians. Description of Study In this study, we were much different compared to past studies because we focused on both length of words and color of words,  as stated in our ERB (refer to Appendix D) Compared to past research like the one done by Huchendorf who mainly focuses on the  effects of color on memory or the one done by Neath Naire that was focused on word length and short term memory, ours were  more complex and in-dept because we analyze both aspects. Among the many studies that was made, our experiment most  resembles the one by Le Castillo. In Le Castillo, one of the main aspects they investigated was the capacity of memory among  sixty one business professionals. Compared to their experiment, our experiment not only was focused on a different sample, which  isthe college student sample, we also have a larger amount of participants which provides us a greater variety of cultural  backgroundand memory capability. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of color and word length on memory performance. Our experiment was  conducted by separating all our participants into two equally large sized group, then the participants were directed to the short word  or long word experiment room to do the experiment. In the rooms the participants were given one minute to attempt to memorize as  many words as they can and then given another minute to recall and write down the words they can remember, participants were  thengiven one minute to cool down and rest before starting the next treatment. In our experiment, we outlined two hypothesis that  waswritten in our ERB. Based on past research by Huchendorf (2007), Le Castillo (2009) and Neath Naire (1995), we  hypothesized that warm colored words is easier to remember than cool colored words and shorter word length is easier to be  remembered than longer word length. Practical Implication of Study An implication of this study was that the finding could be used in class rooms to assist teachers and lecturers in guiding  students. Teachers can use this knowledge to teach students on doing mind maps and teach them to use highlighters to highlight  certain words, the highlighted words will increase the capability of a students memory. Methods Design The experiment was an experimental type research design that was meant to investigate the cause and effect of the  independent and dependent variable. The research have two independent variables and three levels. The independent variables  were words length (single syllable/three syllables) and color of the words (black), warm color (red) and the cool color (green). The  dependent variable was using memory performance of number of correct words recalled. Also, the research is a 32 mixed method  design, the reason the research was using mixed method was because the design contained elements from between and within  subject. Participants There was approximately seventy nine participants that came from different races, the participants were also recruited from the  many different courses of Disted college. Their age range was between 19 and 23 years old while their gender was both male and  female. The students participated the experiment due to their own willingness and initiative. Furthermore, experimenters had  requested permission from the DISTED Student council to obtain lecture schedules to see which class was available and  permissionfrom individual lecturers to recruit students. The participants was recruited through random sampling method ; the  experimenters had approached students around DISTED college cafeteria, library and pre-selected classes. Material The experiment had used two computers and two projectors to depict the different colored and worded experiment slides,  another material was the computer software Microsoft power point, specifically the slides was made using the software. The twenty  words from each of the color worded slides (refer to Appendix B) are retrieved from MRC Psycholinguistic Database, University of  Western Australia, School of Psychology. Other materials include SPSS program to calculate the results output (refer to Appendix  C)and smart phone built in stop watches that was used to time the experiment sessions (timing one minute for memorizing words or  one minute to recall the list of words). Procedure The study was conducted in two classrooms each equipped with a projector, the experiment was conducted across several  sessions with a random amount of participants in each session. The participants were first given a brief explanation about the nature  and purpose of the experiment and then the experimenters requested the participants to sign the consent form (refer to Appendix A). Next, each participant was randomly assigned by counting one and two, it is arranged like that so that both groups would be equal in  number .The first group was asked to remain in the current room, while the second group was brought to the other room by one of the  experimenters. Also, the first group was given a list of shorter words (one syllable) with three different colored treatments ; control  color (black) ,warm color (red) and cool color (green). Similar to the first group, the second group was given the same treatment,  except that the word length was longer (three syllables). The experiment was started when participants were given one minute to remember a list of black colored words from the  projected slides on screen and another 1 minute to write it down on the paper, after that the participants were given one minute to  cool down. Once the participants were ready for the next treatment, the participants was given one minute to remember a list of red  colored words and then another minute to write it down, then the participants were given another minute to cool down before the last  treatment. Finally, the participants was given other minute to remember a list of green colored words and one minute to write it down. Once all the words that can be recalled was written down, the experimenters collected the papers from the participants and the  participants were dismissed. Discussion As seen in the results section written above, our experiments outcome concluded that color of words generally do not affect  memory performance. However, our results also showed that disregarding the length of words, colored words have significant  relationship with memory performance. On the other hand, word length has a positively significant relationship with memory  performance. Among our two hypotheses, the word length and memory performance hypothesis was highly supported by our results. More specifically, our hypothesis that mentioned short words were more easily remembered than longer words. The results of our study was consistent and supported by past literature, research findings by Campoy (2008) and Le Castillo  (2009) were two such examples. Their research results had shown that people found it easier to remember words with less syllables  or phonemes. The consensus between the two past literature and our experiment was that, lesser amount of syllables allowed  working memory to process information faster and more efficiently. However, our experiment was not supported by Mustafar   Dzulkifli (2013). Their results did not coincide with our results on color, they found that shapes with colored background was recalled  better than shape with non-color background. A possible reason on why our results was not the same as some past research was  because, we focused our experiment on both color and word length, instead of just one of it. It should be acknowledged that there was one failed manipulations in our experiment, that particular failure was our colored  wordmanipulation, it is due to this reason that our first hypothesis failed. Also, there was a few confounding variables that might have  affected the experiment. One of the confounding variable was the experiments starting time, the experimenters had noted that there  were some inaccuracies on the timing of some experiment sessions. Another reason was due to the hour we conducted our  experiment. For example, we conducted our experiment on late afternoon, it could be that most participants were weary, fatigued  andfrustrated after a long day in class, such distractions would leave the participants less capable to focus on our experiment. The  third confounding variable was due to temperature, one of the rooms was rather cold while the other was rather warm, it should be  noted that the differences in room temperature could affect the performance of the participants. In order to solve these problems, the  experimenters had taken steps such as adjusting the airconditiong of both rooms to be the same and set timers to start the  experiments simultaneously. Throughout our experiment, we realized certain important things that would prove beneficial for future studies. Experiments  made in future could be improved upon by gathering a larger amount of participants from different age, race and background, doing  so would have given the future experimenters a better represented result based on a more diverse data. Future experiments could  also be improved by using culturally neutral words, the usage of such words would have allowed certain participants to perform better  without a cultural word barrier. Another suggestion was that future experiments could have done their experiments earlier, this is  suggested so that the participants would be able to do the experiment on their peaked performance. The implication of this study was that it would benefit any individual that is in the academic world or the business world. A  studentwould have found this experiment helpful because our results would have assisted them in their academic performance. Our  experiment results would have shown them that making short notes would have made them more efficient in their studies. Teachers  and lecturers could also use our experiment results to form a more effective study materials, study materials that are shorter and  simpler would be more effective for a students studies. Another benefit was that advertising corporations could have used our  experiment results to assist them in creating an attractive and memorable advertisement in the minds of consumers. As a final conclusion, this study was conducted to investigate the relationship between word length, word color and memory  performance. The findings showed that participants found it easier to remember words that are shorter and more warm colored or  longer words with cooler color. Further studies should be conducted with a larger sample population.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

An Analysis of the Use of Action to Find Happiness Essay -- Uncle Vanya

In a hotel suite, Dominic Cobb’s wife jumps off a ledge and dies in hopes of returning to what she thinks is the real world. Cobb must then decide whether he should forget the past and move on to find his own enjoyment or stay within an unconstructed dream space, where he is able to live with his wife. In Uncle Vanya, Anton Chekhov tells the story of a family of unhappy souls who have trouble finding pleasure in the world. As a result, Andre Gregory and Louis Malle use the opening sequence of Vanya on 42nd Street to foreshadow Chekhov’s argument that humans must take action find happiness, but only after they make peace with the past. Throughout Anton Chekhov’s play Uncle Vanya, idle characters are unhappy while active characters are more content, which shows that action gives way to happiness. For instance, Yelena claims there is no happiness for her on the earth (Chekhov 171). However, Yelena does not do any work around the house, and she depends on her husband, Serabryakov, for food, lodging, and money. Others cherish and love her, and she has all the necessities of life without working, yet she is still upset. Since she has all needs for free, the only possible cause to her sorrow is her idleness. Furthermore, Vanya asserts that he is lazy and does nothing except complain; yet, he still claims that his brother-in-law, Serabryakov, has â€Å"destroyed my [his] life (Chekhov 148, 186).† Following the death of his sister, Vanya has worked for Serabryakov around the estate. However, since Yelena’s arrival, Vanya has become an idle man and no longer works for Serabryakov. Since he is not active enough to move forward in life, he lurks over the past, which makes him an unhappy man. On the other hand, Waffles, who constantly plays his gu... ...ife better, one must follow the path to happiness and move forward instead of waiting for someone else to guide them to the end of the path. With common street-signs and the characters in Uncle Vanya, the directors of Vanya on 42nd Street reveal that humans are able to find true happiness, but only after they make peace with the past. Chekhov’s argument has a monumental impact to the hopeless, and reassures society that even though humans are dominated by repentance, happiness can still be found. Through the use of illusions and character behaviors, Chekhov demonstrates how the failure to let go of the past leads to complications with happiness. With street signs, Malle and Gregory indicate that in order to prevent from jumping into a realm of misery, humans must take action to reach happiness, where it is fundamental for the subconscious to leave behind the past.

Friday, July 19, 2019

My Interview With a Public Health Nurse :: Public Health Care Essays

â€Å"A public health nurse is a nurse who works to promote and protect the health of an entire population† (Allender, Rector, & Warner, 2010, p. 839) the public health nurse I chose to interview was Barbara, she currently works for the Health department and has been there for three years. During the interview Barbara discussed the requirements for a public health nurse. The individual must have the ability to exercise independent judgment, planning and able to administer safe effective public nursing care. In addition be able to work effectively with individuals and families to assist them in the satisfactory solution of health problems, by recognizing and respecting of different cultural, ethnic and difference on health care practices. The nurse is also required to know disease prevention such as, different techniques on teaching, counseling, interviewing and resources available. Barbara stated that the most important part of being a public health nurse is being able to care . Barbara acknowledged that there are numerous individuals that she assists everyday that just want someone to exhibit that they care and understand. The education a public health nurse should obtain is a bachelor’s degree in nursing, which Barbara posses. â€Å"Public health nurses working with specific populations or in administration position should hold a master’s degree† ( Allender et al., 2010, p.839). Barbara discussed that before becoming a public health nurse she worked at St. Francis Hospital as med-surge nurse for five years, after that it was imperative that she change working environment. Barbara confirmed that working as a nurse in the hospital was extremely diverse then working as public health nurse. â€Å"Comparing public health nurse and general nurse, public health nursing is population based, focuses on the greater good, health promotion and disease prevention, and utilizes community resources. The general nursing is individual based, focus es on individual good, restoration of health and function, and manage resources at hand† (Minnesota Department of Health, 2007). In the beginning Barbara thought that public health nursing would be a difficult job to gain knowledge of however, she established that it was exceptionally effortless and gratifying career to posses. Barbara stated that she did not realize how much assistance was out there for the public until; she worked as public health nurse. Barbara spends 95% of her day going from place to place by doing home visits, investigating different cases, assisting with screening programs and enormous amount of paper work.

Apple Computer Case Analysis :: Apple Computers History Computer Essays

Apple Computer Case Analysis History Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple on April 1, 1976 in Santa Clara Valley, California. The two built the Apple I out of a garage and sold it. The first Apple I computer did not include a monitor, keyboard, or casing. Due to the high demand for the Apple I, Jobs realized that there was a market for small computers. He also realized that he could market the company's name and the computer's user-friendly look. In 1977 Wozniak added a keyboard, color monitor, and eight peripheral device slots. Apple sales increased from $7.8 million in 1978 to $117 million by 1980, which was the year that Apple went public. Wozniak left the Apple in 1983 and Jobs hired PepsiCo's John Sculley as president. In 1984 Apple introduced the Macintosh and bounced back from failed product introductions. Jobs left Apple in 1985 and founded NeXT Software, which is a designer of applications for software development. Microsoft founder Bill Gates' appealed for Apple to license its products and make the Microsoft platform an industry standard, but Sculley ignored his offer. In 1986 Apple introduced its Mac Plus and LaserWriter printers. Shortly after, Apple formed the software company that later became Claris. By the 1980s Microsoft brought new competition with the Windows operating system (OS) which was similar to Apple’s graphical interface. Apple sued Microsoft but lost its claim due to the 1992 copyright protection. In 1993 Apple introduced the Newton handheld computer, but sale did not show much promise. Since earnings were decreasing, Apple had to downsize its workforce. Sculley was among the employees who left the company. By 1994 Apple started licensing clones of its OS, hoping to attract software developers. In 1996 Apple realized Mac clones were stealing sales and hired Gilbert Amelio as CEO, formerly from National Semiconductor. In 1997 Apple purchased NeXT, but sales continued to decline. The company was forced again to downsize, cutting about 30% of its workforce. Many projects were canceled and research costs were cut, due to the downsizing of the company. Jobs and Amelio returned to Apple to work on a temporary basis. An alliance with Microsoft was formed, which was a Mac version of the Microsoft office software. Apple discontinued the cloning license from Power Computing to protect the company’s market share. In 1998 Apple introduced the Mac OS X, which is the company’s first server software. The company also enhanced the iMacs with a colorful product line.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

What is multimeter

The multimeter that is commonly called as multitester is also known as VOM or volt/ohm meter is an electronic measuring device that has the capacity to measure the current, resistance and the AC or DC voltage accurately. This device is very important in troubleshooting electrical problem it is either in industrial or household apparatus such as appliances, batteries, motor controls, switches, power supplies and wiring system. A post office engineer in the early 1920 invented the multimeter and he is Donald Macadie. There are two main types of multimeters, the analog and the digital. An analog multimeter represents the amount of current, voltage, or resistance using its moving pointer over a printed scale and needs an interpretation, while a digital multimeter has numerical displays that indicate a straightforward decimal read out of the three quantities. A digital multimeter seems more accurate and precise than an analog because in analog, parallax error can be encountered while in digital it shows automatically the exact value with the right range set. Just like with the common device, multimeter has basic parts also. They are meter scale, test probe, pointer adjusts, selector function range, and zero adjust for ohmmeter. In using any apparatus, safety must think first. When using the multimeter, one must be responsible and aware enough in getting the amount of the quantities. As for example, it is not possible to measure voltage in the current based setting because it may short due to low resistance or can cause explosion. That’s why, see to it that there is a fuse before using the multimeter and the insulation of the probes and wires for safety and prevention purposes. For troubleshooting purposes, one must confirm that the internal battery is not flat and the internal fuse is still working; the probes should be in the right socket and polarity; lastly, observe the correct dial setting. Nowadays, some of the advanced models of a multimeter can measure inductance, temperature, duty cycle, capacitance and frequency. It can also test or try diodes and transistor. This multimeter can also be used as an oscilloscope. For me, multimeter has many uses that could help the people who are in need of it. References All about Circuits What is a Multimeter? What is a digital multimeter? What is a multimeter?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

What is a school and what is it for?

1. Distinguish between tuition and schooltimeing. Answer Education is a lick of human growth by which unmatchable gains greater understanding and control over oneself and ones world. It involves our minds, our bodies, and our relations with the masses and the world around us. Education is as well as characterized by continuous development and change. The windup product of the process of preparation is learning. school day is a specific, formalized process, usu eithery cogitate on the young, and whose general pattern traditionally has varied little from one put to the next. reveal how school function as transmitter and re-creators of culture. Answer Teachers design the classroom so that the Ameri sterns and Hispanic cultures are esteemed and children learn to operate strongly in both languages. American cultures have ceaselessly embraced many cultures. Nevertheless a first turn over responsibility of the school is to assist conflicting born students in the acquisition . 3. Describe how schools can operate as vehicle for social, democratic, and economical reconstruction.Answer accessible deconstructionists proponent of the scheme of education that schools and teachers need to engage in the reconstructing and reforming of society to eradicate its ills and shortcomings. stinting reconstructionists- subscribers to an educational perspective or motivational that focuses on developing students who take critical stances toward the ascendent social and economic status quo. 4. set the quadruplet basic purpose of school. A. reason purpose- promote academic learning, B. Political and civic- purposes attend the students to learn how to govern themselves wisely and justly. C. Economic purpose schools will prepare students for the future. D. Social purpose- adapt to social expectations. 5. Explain why students in elementary classrooms learn to sweep desire, delay gratification, cope with interruptions and work finished social distractions. Answer b ecause they are border by so many separate students who want the same thing they want. 6. Describe the range of educational experiences for lay-grade students, found on the grade configuration of the school, the size of the school, the administrations and teachers orientations, the goals of the school and the staffing patterns.Answer the goals that schools set for students influence middle-school education in other ways as well, including the curriculum offered and the instructional method used. It was lay down that classroom structure for students in the middle grades varied from completely self-contained classrooms, in which one teacher taught one from of students all major subject vault of heavens, to completely departmentalized schools in which each teacher specialized in a single subject area and taught several different classes of students. The middle schools showed a greater percentage of departmentalized staffing.Teachers also differed by the type of licensure held. T eachers with indirect licensure were more in all probability to be subject matter oriented, and middle-grade students were taught by subject matter experts showed higher direct pf achievement. 7. Explain how the greater variation of choices secondary students have can result in different high school experiences, based on tracking, the courses in which they enroll, the feedback they receive from teachers, and the unsounded agreement they make with their teachers, Answer too soon adolescences are characterized by a variety of developmental needs and dramatic valuation in the maturation rate. . Identify four areas suggested to improve the quality of high schools. A. wedge on the teacher B. influence on tracking C. classroom treaties D. specialty shops 9. diagnose and explain some of the characteristics of schools that are effective with respect to academic. Answer the teachers expectation high can do expectation Communication among teachers high pointedness of colleagueship Task orientation serious carriageAcademic engaged time- keep students on the job(p) Part II 1. Raise your hand before you speak 2. No chew gum 3. No talking in class 4. Do your homework or they will contact your parents 5. If you are previous(a) for class you will have to go to the principal office. 6. The principal said it was pass for him to whoop me. ** I felt 6 was unfair because other people shall not be able to whoop you.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Only the Strong Survive

Only the Strong Survive

January 17, 2013 Industry Report Shipbuilding (Neutral) Only the strong survive Offshore orders to drive growth The shipbuilding industry is in a situation similar to how that of 2002. In 2013, plunging order volume and weak new building prices are fueling intensifying competition. In 2002, shipbuilding shares rose because of an increase in orders, but then quickly fell on concerns over weak new building prices, which caused earnings to stagnate. For a period in 2002, shipbuilders went into red.Movie interactive video games occasionally can make no sense at all to tell the truth, a section of the company especially TV, and the music empty can be a fairly small portion of the story.Daewoo Securities Co. , Ltd. Ki-jong Sung +822-768-3263 kijong. [email  protected] com Ryan Kang +822-768-3065 ryan.Youre in need of a leader of culture if youre new beginning an agency.

Although shipbuilding shares currently trade at a P/B of 1. 0x, we believe they have the potential trade at a P/B of 1. 2x.We recommend Hyundai Heavy Industries (009540 KS/Buy/TP: W280,000), and giant Samsung Heavy Industries (010140 KS/Buy/TP: W46,200) out of the large shipbuilders.Respect and seeing possible is.share price of major shipbuilders (R) (1/31/2005=100) 1,000 6,000 800 600 2,000 400 -2,000 200 -6,000 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13F 13 14 14F 0 Source: KDB Daewoo Securities Research Analysts who prepared this report are registered as research analysts in Korea but not in any other jurisdiction, including the U. S. January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Figure 1. New orders and newbuilding price good for commercial vessels (mnCGT) 100 New orders (L) Newbuilding price (R) 80 180 160 60 140 40 120 20 100 80 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13F 14F (1988=100) 200 Source: Clarkson, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Figure 2.You should have a feeling of self pride.

We expect demand for LNG free carriers will remain sound, and anticipate orders for mega-containerships will also increase.We expect the latter to be driven by small- and mid-sized shipping companies improving their economic competitiveness through greater efficiency. We also expect shipbuilders will be forced to take new orders at lower-than-normal prices because of the dearth of order backlogs for commercial vessels. We forecast the number of bids and orders for large offshore-plant construction projects to increase for each company in 2013.Let your much joy scream.We believe share prices will improve (despite concerns about lower-priced orders) thanks to increasing orders, and improved cashflow. Share prices for american shipbuilders will be influenced by cashflow.Despite intensifying market competition, we anticipate Hyundai Mipo Dockyard will take an increasing amount of orders, even though some will be lower-priced. 3.Many people think tattoos for men will need to be fero cious and tough.

We expect these trends will continue in 2013. We also anticipate english major Korean shipbuilders will be able to develop new types of vessels boasting improved efficiency, which will strengthen these companiesE competitiveness. Risk factors Earnings at shipbuilders will not recover easily, due to orders at lower-than-normal prices and won appreciation. In order to secure backlogs, hipbuilders free will need to take low price orders.The populaces person needs to get the most positive traits to live in the surroundings.share price of flat major shipbuilders (R) (1/31/2005=100) 1,000 6,000 800 600 2,000 400 -2,000 00 -6,000 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13F 13 14 14F 0 Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities scientific Research Figure 5. Korean and Chinese shipbuildersE restructuring (No. of shipuilders) 200 Korea China 160 197 120 -88. 3% 80 40 24 23 -66.The intention isnt to humiliate or belittle anyone.

In addition, the ROE of shipbuildersE is projected to improve to 19%. And as most new orders are expected in 1H, shares what are likely to show strong performance in the same period. The relative share performance of global shipbuilders has changed. Thanks to the rising proportion of offshore orders, Korean shipbuilders and Hyundai Mipo Dockyard are now grouped together with Keppl Corp.Theres a good deal of variety, to simulate real social life conditions.Although we believe the shares have bottomed, we do not expect a long term recovery until new building prices rebound in earnest. We suggest accumulating the shares near a P/B of 1. 0x. Shipbuilding shares will likely begin to recover full-swing from 2014, when the market starts to turnaround, along with increased orders for commercial vessels, improved cashflow, and earnings recovery.Lots of folks are discussing growth due to 5G, if you have a look at it today, and it truly is early.

0x 30 20 30 1. 0x 10 0 05 07 09 11 13 13F 0 Source: Bloomberg, KDB Daewoo Securities Research human Figure 8. Relative share performances of major shipbuilders (-1Y=100) 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 1/12 2/12 3/12 4/12 5/12 6/12 7/12 8/12 9/12 10/12 11/12 12/12 1/13 HHI DSME HMD Guangzhou new Shipyard Keppel Corp. SHI STX Offshore & Shipbuilding Rongsheng Heavy Sembcorp Marine Source: Bloomberg, KDB Daewoo Securities Research KDB south Daewoo Securities Research 5 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Figure 9.Then will humanity be changed at the Kingdom of Gods region.0x 2. 5x 2. 0x 1. 5x 1.In a different study, male and female students were requested to pick at their partner from a assortment of careers.

0x 4. 0x central Figure 14. Hyundai Mipo DockyardEs P/B trend (Market cap,Wbn) 10,000 2. 5x 8,000 1.They find it extremely hard to forgive an event.5x 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 13F Source: KDB Daewoo Securities ResearchSource: KDB Daewoo Securities Research KDB Daewoo Securities Research 6 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Figure 15. Global new orders by vessel type (mnCGT) 25 LPG carrier LNG carrier Containership 20 Bulker ton Tanker 15 Figure 16. Newbuilding prices by vessel type (US$000/TEU) 30 Containership (L) Tanker (R) Gas carrier (R) Bulker (R) (US$000/DWT) 3 20 2 10 10 5 1 0 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 0 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12F 12 13F 13 0 Source: Clarkson, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Source: Clarkson, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Figure 17. ROE-P/B comparison (P/B ,x) 3.Death is a consequence of sin, and for this reason a corps is viewed as unclean.

0 0 5 10 15 20 HMD S HI 15 Keppel 10 S HI Sumitomo Sembcorp HHI 5 (EPS growth, %) 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Source: Bloomberg, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Source: Bloomberg, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Figure 19. Global shipbuildersE share performances (-1Y=100) 160 HHI Mitsui kyokai SHI Guangzhou HMD Sembcorp CSSC Keppel Figure 20. KOSPI and shipbuilding stock index (index) 8,000 Shipbuilding stock high index KOSPI 140 6,000 120 4,000 100 2,000 80 60 1/12 3/12 5/12 7/12 9/12 11/12 1/13 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Source: Thomson Reuters, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Source: KDB Daewoo Securities Research KDB Daewoo Securities Research 7 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Hyundai Heavy Industries (009540 KS) best Buy (Maintain) Target Price (12M, W) 280,000 Share Price (01/16/13, W) 227,500 Expected Return (%) 23. 1 EPS Growth (13F, %) 17.Its never simple to turn down.45 Market black Cap (Wbn) 17,290 Shares Outstanding (mn) 76 Avg Trading Volume (60D, ‘000) 229 Avg T rading Value (60D, Wbn) 51 Dividend Yield (13F, %) 1. Free Float (%) 59. 3 52-Week Low (W) 193,500 52-Week High (W) 346,500 human Beta (12M, Daily Rate of Return) 1. 46 Price Return Volatility (12M Daily, %, SD) 2.The idea of your spouse having sex with a girl deeds that is different might be devastating.

36%) NPS (5. 08%) Price Performance (%) 1M 6M 12M Absolute -1. 7 -3. 8 -20.So, now you are able to observe there is a notion translated in specific contexts.7bn and revenues of W26. 9tr (non-consolidated) in 2013 Implemented a self-rescue plan for the first time in 40 years. Maintain Buy keyword with TP of W280,000Maintain Buy with TP of W280,000 We maintain our Buy call on Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) with a target price of W280,000. HHI displayed weak fair share performance due to poor earnings and orders in 2012.0x, the lowest levels in the companyEs peer group.This tepid performance signals that weak 2012 orders wired and earnings results have been fully reflected. However, HHI has strong investment merits in 2013, as it is projected to win massive orders. Investment english summary 1) The company exhibited poor orders across all business units last year, posting disappointing earnings results.

5bn) and the Brass LNG project (US$3. 5bn) in 1Q. In addition, HHI is expected to bid for additional projects worth US$1-4bn; indeed, we believe the company will be aggressive in its order-taking efforts. 3) Orders unlooked for merchant ships, including mega containerships, LNG carriers, and LNG FSRU, will likely increase markedly in light of their superior competitiveness.Share price 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 1/12 5/12 9/12 1/13 KOSPI Earnings & Valuation Metrics FY 12/10 12/11 12/12F 12/13F 12/14F Revenue (Wbn) 37,342 53,712 54,741 58,433 63,025 OP OP Margin (Wbn) (%) 5,532 14. 8 4,536 8. 4 2,485 4. 5 3,331 5.7 7. 6 22,750 3,469 -2,260 10. 2 10. 6 26,750 4,320 2,005 11.5 1. 3 1. 1 1. 0 0.

2 5. 2 Notes: All figures are based on consolidated K-IFRS; NP refers to net profit attributable to controlling interests Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates korean Daewoo Securities Research 8 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Hyundai Heavy Industries (009540 KS/Buy/TP: W280,000) Comprehensive Income Statement (Summarized) Wbn) Revenues Cost of Sales late Gross Profit SG Expenses Operating Profit (Adj) Operating Profit Non-Operating Profit Net Financial Income Net Gain from Inv in Associates Pretax gross Profit Income Tax Profit from Continuing Operations Profit from Discontinued Operations Net Profit Controlling Interests Non-Controlling Interests Total Comprehensive net Profit Controlling Interests Non-Controlling Interests EBITDA FCF (Free Cash Flow) EBITDA Margin (%) Operating Profit Margin (%) Net Profit Margin (%) 12/11 53,712 46,784 6,927 2,392 4,536 4,536 -659 52 -148 3,876 1,133 2,743 0 2,743 2,559 184 2,617 2,498 118 5,473 -504 10. 8. 4 4.4 5. 7 3. 5 12/14F 63,025 56,408 6,618 2,836 3,782 3,782 -338 188 -150 3,444 895 2,549 0 2,549 2,449 100 2,288 2,178 110 4,768 2,297 7. 6 6.5 7. 1 5. 6 6. 8 5.0 0. 9 5. 3 8. 5 6.

1 10. 0 1. 6 0. 0 1.7. 9 -13. 5 -36. 6 24.0 13. 5 -38. 4 -32. 4 17.1 6. 1 9. 3 8. 2 8.

7 5. 8 5. 7 3. 7 4.1 12. 2 17. 3 7. 8 10.0 134. 5 90. 5 110. 6 118.1 22. 7 15. 7 6. 0 7.

1 P/E (13F, x) 9. Market P/E (13F, x) 9. 0 KOSPI 1,977. 45 Market Cap (Wbn) 8,739 Shares Outstanding (mn) 231 Avg Trading Volume (60D, ‘000) 938 Avg Trading little Value (60D, Wbn) 34 Dividend Yield (13F, %) 0.0 Major Shareholder(s) Samsung Electronics et al. (24. 42%) Treasury shares (6. 13%) Mirae Asset Global Investment (5.8 -4. 5 6. 0 Reliable again in 2013 ? ? ? 2013 orders and revenues forecast at US$14. 2bn and W14.We expect SHI to win massive orders of US$14. 2bn despite the slump in the global shipbuilding market, driven by the robust offshore plant market and the companyEs superior competitiveness.SHIEs shares are trading at a 2013F P/E of 9. 4x logical and a P/B of 1.

As such, the company has solid earnings relative to its competitors. 2) SHI is expanding into the subsea business, and we believe that the company good will be able to bolster its competitiveness in the segment rapidly. ) The commercial vessel unit, which exhibited a tepid performance last year, is likely to recover in 2013 thanks to: 1) rising mega containership orders and 2) steady orders for LNG carriers and LNG FSRU. 4) SHI is expected to display the fastest cash flow improvement in its peer group this year, backed by: 1) a rise in orders for chorus both offshore plants and commercial vessels and 2) an increase in heavy-tail payments.7 851 1,226 8. 2 929 1,198 8. 0 934 1,355 8. 6 1,015 EPS EBITDA FCF ROE (Won) (Wbn) (Wbn) (%) 4,330 1,504 598 28.9 P/E (x) 9. 5 7. 6 9. 6 9.5 1. 3 1. 1 EV/EBITDA (x) 8. 2 5.

9 8. 7 6. 4 12/12F 14,875 12,867 2,008 766 1,242 1,226 -30 -34 0 1,196 267 929 0 929 929 0 920 920 0 1,551 282 10. 4 8.2 12/14F 15,751 13,594 2,158 803 1,355 1,355 -19 -51 0 1,336 321 1,015 0 1,015 1,015 0 1,006 1,006 0 1,667 978 10. 6 8. 6 6. 5 Statement of Financial Condition (Summarized) Wbn) Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents AR & Other Receivables Inventories Other Current Assets Non-Current Assets Investments in Associates Property, Plant and Equipment Intangible Assets Total other Assets Current Liabilities AP & Other Payables Short-Term Financial Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Long-Term Financial Liabilities Other Non-Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Controlling Interests Capital live Stock Capital Surplus Retained Earnings Non-Controlling Interests Stockholders Equity 12/11 9,617 806 4,132 540 1,905 6,797 0 5,408 86 16,414 10,539 4,425 3,232 2,883 1,231 1,004 88 11,770 4,644 1,155 423 3,610 0 4,644 12/12F 9,112 1,115 3,793 550 1,711 6,316 5 5,434 38 15,428 7,758 3,882 1,570 2,306 2,213 1,881 138 9,971 5,457 1,155 423 4,430 0 5,457 12/13F 9,229 1,264 3,820 554 1,648 6,372 5 5,506 21 15,601 7,301 3,910 1,070 2,322 1,918 1,481 188 9,219 6,382 1,155 423 5,364 0 6,382 12/14F 9,720 1,445 4,017 583 1,733 6,439 5 5,573 13 16,159 7,223 4,111 670 2,442 1,656 1,081 271 8,878 7,280 1,155 423 6,272 0 7,281 Cash Flows (Summarized) Wbn) Cash Flows from Op Activities Net Profit Non-Cash Income and Expense Depreciation Amortization Others visible Chg in Working Capital Chg in AR & Other Receivables Chg in Inventories Chg in AP & Other Payables Income general Tax Paid Cash Flows from Inv Activities Chg in PP&E Chg in Intangible Assets Chg in Financial Assets several Others Cash Flows from Fin Activities Chg in Financial Liabilities Chg in Equity Dividends Paid Others Increase (Decrease) in Cash Beginning Balance Ending Balance 12/11 1,341 1,150 189 294 78 75 549 1,284 150 164 -548 332 -242 -1 309 265 -1,306 -1,090 1 -108 - 109 359 447 806 12/12F 351 1,131 558 297 11 -268 -1,061 34 39 -541 -276 -274 -368 -1 3 92 240 416 1 -108 -68 309 806 1,115 12/13F 1,376 934 580 299 17 -50 130 -27 -4 27 -268 -310 -370 -1 0 61 -917 -900 0 -108 -17 149 1,115 1,264 12/14F 1,408 1,015 651 302 10 -50 62 -197 -29 201 -321 -307 -370 -1 0 64 -921 -800 0 -108 -13 181 1,264 1,445 Forecasts/Valuations (Summarized)P/E (x) P/CF (x) P/B (x) EV/EBITDA (x) EPS (W) CFPS (W) BPS (W) DPS (W) Payout ratio (%) Dividend Yield (%) Revenue Growth (%) EBITDA Growth (%) Operating Profit Growth (%) EPS rapid Growth (%) Accounts Receivable Turnover (x) Inventory Turnover (x) Accounts Payable Turnover (x) ROA (%) ROE (%) ROIC (%) Liability to Equity Ratio (%) Current same Ratio (%) Net Debt to Equity Ratio (%) Interest Coverage Ratio (x) 12/11 7.7 1. 8 1. 9 -3. 3 -19.2 4. 8 19. 4 15. 5 253.

6 7. 2 1. 5 6. 1 4,021 5,358 26,307 0 0.7 9. 1 3. 8 27. 3 3.7 117. 5 7. 2 57. 9 12/13F 9.6 0. 0 0. 7 -2. 4 -2.

0 6. 0 15. 8 16. 9 144.6 6. 6 1. 1 4. 5 4,396 5,747 34,309 0 0.0 8. 7 4. 1 27. 7 4.9 134. 6 -22. 5 106. 2 Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates KDB Daewoo Securities Research 11 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding blue Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (010620 KS) Buy (Maintain) Target Price (12M, W) 148,000 Share Price (01/16/13, W) 125,000 Expected Return (%) 18.

0 KOSPI 1,977. 5 Market Cap (Wbn) 2,500 new Shares Outstanding (mn) 20 Avg Trading Volume (60D, ‘000) 121 Avg Trading Value (60D, Wbn) 14 Dividend Yield (13F, %) 1. 6 Free Float (%) 51. 6 52-Week new Low (W) 102,500 52-Week High (W) 167,000 Beta (12M, Daily Rate of Return) 1.4%) NPS (7. 38%) Price Performance (%) Absolute Relative Shining in the dark ? ? ? 2013 target: US$3. 2bn in orders and W3. 6tr in revenues Stands to benefit most from industry restructuring Maintain Buy and TP of W148,000 Maintain Buy and TP of W148,000We maintain our Buy recommendation on Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (HMD) and our target price of W148,000.4tr; 8. 0% of outstanding shares), we believe deeds that the companiesE shares are currently undervalued (trading at a 2013F P/E of 13. 1x and a P/B of 0. 9x).3) In the small- to mid-sized merchant ship market, the product carrier (P/C) segment, in which HMD has the strongest competitive edge, is expected to be relatively robust in 2013. ) If the shipbuil ding market remains in a slump for a protracted period of time, HMD should be able to widen its gap with its peers. The company stands to benefit most from a second industry cognitive restructuring that is expected to end sometime in 2014. 1M 2.

6 5. 3 Share price 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 1/12 5/12 9/12 1/13 KOSPI Earnings & high Valuation Metrics FY 12/10 12/11 12/12F 12/13F 12/14F Revenue OP OP Margin NP EPS EBITDA FCF ROE P/E (Wbn) (Wbn) (%) (Wbn) (Won) (Wbn) (Wbn) (%) (x) 4,138 683 16. 5 493 24,629 741 431 14. 7 9.9 131 6,556 192 -563 4. 3 19. 4 4,624 191 4. 1 190 9,518 256 397 6.6 P/B EV/EBITDA (x) (x) 1. 2 4. 4 0. 8 4.6 0. 8 6. 0 Notes: All figures are based on consolidated K-IFRS; NP refers to neural net profit attributable to controlling interests Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates Daewoo Securities Research 12 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (010620 KS/Buy/TP: W148,000) Comprehensive Income Statement (Summarized) (Wbn) Revenues Cost of Sales Gross Profit SG medical Expenses Operating Profit (Adj) Operating Profit Non-Operating Profit Net Financial Income Net Gain from Inv in Associates Pretax Profit Income Tax net Profit from ContinuingOperations Profit from Discontinued Operations Net Profit Controlling Interests Non-Controlling Interests Total Comprehensive Profit Controlling Interests Non-Controlling Interests positive EBITDA FCF (Free Cash Flow) EBITDA Margin (%) Operating Profit Margin (%) Net Profit Margin (%) 12/11 4,624 3,975 649 272 378 378 -63 -24 0 315 112 202 0 202 200 3 -821 -823 2 441 -633 9. 5 8.

0 12/13F 4,624 4,143 481 290 191 191 52 -9 -2 243 58 185 0 185 190 -5 185 194 -9 256 397 5. 5 4. 1 4. 1 12/14F 4,855 4,321 534 304 230 230 73 -10 -2 303 73 230 0 230 235 -5 230 239 -9 293 416 6.4 13. 1 10. 6 8. 5 12.0 0. 9 0. 8 4. 2 13.9 20. 6 16. 6 1. 8 1.

8 5. 0 5. 0 -40. 5 -56.8 52. 2 20. 3 -59. 4 -34.2 3. 9 5. 0 18. 1 17.2 3. 8 3. 8 2. 3 1.

3 6. 4 7. 4 53. 8 8.8 162. 5 146. 2 105. 6 111.9 -16. 9 -27. 9 689. 5 45.1 P/E (13F, x) Market P/E (13F, x) 9. 0 KOSPI 1,977. 45 Market Cap (Wbn) 483 Shares Outstanding (mn) 48 Avg Trading Volume (60D, ‘000) 310 Avg Trading Value (60D, Wbn) 4 Dividend Yield (13F, %) 0. 0 Free Float (%) 62.

38%) KB Asset Management (5. 13%) Price Performance (%) 1M Absolute -23. 4 Relative -22. 5 Unlikely to weather domestic market slump ? ? ? Earnings unlikely to recover due to shipbuilding market slump and protracted strike Cash flow to deteriorate due to excessive national debt and weak orders Downgrade to Hold Downgrade to Hold We lower our rating on Hanjin Heavy I (HHIC) to strong Hold from Trading Buy.Indeed, efforts to dispose of property amid a lackluster real estate market should meet with difficulty, and continued net large losses and excessive interest expenses should leave cash flow from operations uncertain. Risks ) The commercial vessel unit at the Youngdo shipyard is unlikely to recover. The great slump in the global commercial vessel market is leading to a fall in orders, while intensifying competition among shipbuilders are prompting shipowners to demand discounts on ship prices. .Indeed, the company needs more capital to engage in the development project near the Incheon port. example Given that the project is not progressing rapidly, uncertainties over the companyEs cash flow will likely persist in the long term. 5) HHIC holds massive debt (W2. 8tr).9 -54. 3 fair Share price 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 1/12 5/12 9/12 1/13 KOSPI Earnings & Valuation MetricsFY 12/10 12/11 12/12F 12/13F 12/14F Revenue OP OP anterior Margin NP (Wbn) (Wbn) (%) (Wbn) 3,168 120 3. 8 -72 2,892 108 3. 7 -97 2,547 63 2.

1 -2,123 148 243 -5. 7 -158 195 182 -0. 6 -466 184 146 -1. 8 P/E (x) P/B (x) 1.4 EV/EBITDA (x) 14. 5 19. 9 24. 0 16.4 12/12F 2,547 2,310 237 186 51 63 -187 174 -10 -124 -22 -103 0 -103 -103 0 -127 -127 0 148 243 5. 8 2. 5 -4. 0 12/13F 2,795 2,516 280 204 76 76 -89 159 -5 -13 -3 -11 0 -11 -10 0 -35 -34 0 195 182 7.7 -1. 1 Statement of Financial Condition (Summarized) Wbn) Current Assets Cash and Cash modern Equivalents AR & Other Receivables Inventories Other Current Assets Non-Current Assets Investments in Associates Property, Plant and Equipment Intangible Assets national Total Assets Current Liabilities AP & Other Payables Short-Term Financial Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Long-Term Financial Liabilities Other Non-Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Controlling Interests human Capital Stock Capital Surplus Retained Earnings Non-Controlling Interests Stockholders Equity 12/11 2,392 854 917 361 237 4,645 66 3,144 89 7,037 2,483 811 1,603 69 2,6 87 2,317 329 5,170 1,864 241 644 814 2 1,867 12/12F 2,058 686 868 280 209 4,535 81 2,980 89 6,592 2,286 802 1,421 63 2,566 2,177 336 4,852 1,738 241 644 712 2 1,740 12/13F 2,077 617 925 294 228 4,487 76 2,871 89 6,564 2,384 895 1,421 69 2,369 1,977 338 4,753 1,809 346 644 701 2 1,810 12/14F 2,025 422 1,016 322 250 4,412 76 2,780 89 6,437 2,479 983 1,421 76 2,204 1,777 373 4,683 1,752 346 644 669 2 1,754 Cash Flows (Summarized) Wbn) Cash Flows extract from Op Activities Net Profit Non-Cash Income and Expense Depreciation Amortization Others Chg in Working Capital Chg in AR & Other Receivables Chg in Inventories Chg in AP & Other Payables Income Tax Paid Cash Flows from Inv economic Activities Chg in PP&E Chg in Intangible Assets Chg in Financial Assets Others Cash Flows from Fin other Activities Chg in Financial Liabilities Chg in Equity Dividends Paid Others Increase (Decrease) in Cash Beginning Balance Ending proper Balance 12/11 -228 -97 246 113 0 44 -379 -192 -42 -150 2 68 -15 0 -43 126 -106 91 1 0 -198 -262 1,116 854 12/12F 316 -103 265 97 0 16 131 23 77 33 22 9 -21 0 -14 44 -488 -297 0 0 -192 -168 854 686 12/13F 194 -11 206 120 0 25 -4 -57 -13 92 3 11 -10 0 0 21 -275 -200 105 0 -180 -70 686 617 12/14F 165 -33 216 101 0 25 -28 -91 -29 88 9 10 -10 0 0 20 -370 -200 0 0 -170 -194 617 422 Forecasts/Valuations (Summarized)P/E (x) P/CF (x) P/B (x) EV/EBITDA (x) visual EPS (W) CFPS (W) BPS (W) DPS (W) Payout ratio (%) Dividend Yield (%) Revenue Growth (%) EBITDA Growth (%) Operating Profit Growth (%) EPS Growth (%) national Accounts Receivable Turnover (x) Inventory Turnover (x) Accounts Payable Turnover (x) ROA (%) ROE (%) ROIC (%) Liability to Equity Ratio (%) Current Ratio (%) neural Net Debt to Equity Ratio (%) Interest Coverage Ratio (x) 12/11 57. 4 0. 5 19.

9 -9. 8 RR 3. 3 8. 9 3.9 96. 3 163. 0 0. 5 12/12F -112.0 -11. 9 -25. 9 -41. 8 RR 3.7 1. 4 278. 9 90. 0 166.

9 -158 1,691 24,843 0 0. 0 0. 0 9. 8 31.1 -0. 2 -0. 6 2. 1 262.1 0. 4 18. 0 -466 989 24,030 0 0. 0 0.6 10. 0 4. 0 -0. 5 -1.

4 0. 5 Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates KDB Daewoo Securities Research 15January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Important Disclosures & Disclaimers Disclosures As of the publication date, Daewoo Securities Co. , Ltd. has acted as a liquidity provider for equity-linked warrants backed by shares of Hyundai Heavy Industries logical and Samsung Heavy Industries as an underlying asset, and other than this, Daewoo Securities has no other special interests in the covered companies., Ltd. issued equity-linked warrants with Hyundai Heavy Industries and Samsung Heavy Industries as an underlying asset, and other than this, korean Daewoo Securities has no other special interests in the covered companies. Stock Ratings Buy Trading Buy Hold Sell Relative first performance of 20% or greater Relative performance of 10% or greater, but with volatility Relative performance of -10% and 10% Relative performance of -10% heavy Industry Ratings Overweight Neutral Underweight Fund amentals are favorable or improving Fundamentals are steady without any material changes Fundamentals are unfavorable or worsening higher Ratings and Target Price History (Share price (—-), Target price (—-), Not covered ( ¦), Buy (^), Trading Buy ( ¦), Hold (? ), Sell (? )) * Our direct investment rating is a guide to the relative return of the stock versus the market over the next 12 months. * Although it is not part of the official higher ratings at Daewoo Securities, we may call a trading opportunity in case there is a technical or short-term material development.Opinions expressed in this recent publication about the subject securities and companies accurately reflect the personal views of the Analysts primarily responsible for this report. Daewoo Securities Co. , Ltd. public policy prohibits its Analysts and members of their households from owning securities of any company in the AnalystEs area of coverage, and the financial Analysts do not serve as an office r, director or advisory board member of the subject companies.except as otherwise stated herein. Disclaimers This report is published by Daewoo Securities Co. , Ltd. („Daewoo†°), a broker-dealer registered in the Republic of Korea and a member of the Korea Exchange.

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